Kevin sleeping yesterday afternoon... instead of rehearsing for his gig this weekend in the UK!
Yes, he is such a funny guy, my Kevin, even when he sleeps...
That´s all for today. Because he is gone and I am sad.
Bad a Boom? No! Good a Boom? YES!!!!!
Goodaboom might be the smallest planet in the universe, but it is probably the craziest and surely the youngest, being born on 25th December 2006.
A painter and a musician live on it. I am Miki, the painter. I want to share my life on Goodaboom with you, in words and in pictures, and tell you everything about my art, his music, and everything else which makes my life here so unique!
Does he really sleep with his butt in the air?
My Kevin is a funny guy, and YOU, Susan, are such a funny girl! Sometimes you have a kind of ingenuity which I adore...
The truth is that I asked Kevin to stay in this position for some minutes, I wanted to make a sketch. Before that, he had eaten one kilo of yogurt, and as I forced him to stay in this position he became very sick in his tummy! And this is really the true story of thsi painting...
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